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Newspaper July 2010

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Newspaper July 2010 Empty Newspaper July 2010

Newspaper July 2010 Guildwars2-30
Hello and welcome to the first ever newspaper sent by email. To get your head around it there is a main email newspaper and I add general things to the Blog! If you don't know me my name is Ben and I am the Blog writer for It is my job to keep you informed with the latest news on the top games and software. But I also tell you a little bit about what is going on at our website!

To start off this month it became clear that Blachex - the head at the site. Has announced that there will soon be a Private Aoin Server up and running! This is great news since the site it running low on moral these days and we need more active members. This will bring a whole new light to the website and surely the Forum! It will be nice to see the community officially gaming for the first time together. The server is being hosted by Blachex himself. This is great to know as we are guaranteed a large amount of uptime and we will not have to worry about the server going out of date.

I asked him myself about a World of Warcraft server. He replied with a sharp and quick answer! "We need someone to host it." I will keep you informed on the Blog if that changes in any way. I know a lot of people on the website play WoW. All I am saying is do not expect to see one for some time. But we are unsure of a confirmed answer yet.

Guild Wars 2!

Earlier this week ArenaNet has announced Guild Wars 2! Yes there is actually going to be a sequel to this game and it actualy seems like it is going to be good. The game will have the same amazing graphics as the first one. It will have a good engine for the game in general. But the thing the public wants to hear the most is the new class that is comming in it! I myself am not a big fan of the game but I am liking what they are saying about the new class. It will be a Ranger. At first it looks like an over dramatic version of a hunter. But if you have not seen it yet - to put it in your head it is like a cross between a Hunter from WoW and a Druid from WoW. The class mainly relies on nature spells but can tame a pet that can have up to 4 abilities. The place where it starts to edge away from the Hunter of WoW is the weapons it is given.

In there new game the Hunter is only aloud to use weapons that would relate to nature. In the new game there is going to be a new ranged weapon and it will be the gun. So this mean the gun is a big no no for the Ranger. So far it looks like it is able to use Longbows, Shortbows and Throwing Axes! Yes you heard me right! Throwing Axes! You don't have to worry about stocking up on a pile of axes though because ArenaNet says that they will be infinite. So it is basically like WoW's throwing weapons.


Well this is just a little update on what is going down at Blizzard. It seems that the day is coming slowly. But it seems the game's graphics and the water looks really good! There are lots of screenshots that you should look at because it is always a good idea to know what you are getting your self into. Again this expansion is going to be more cooperative with the player. More quests that only seem to revolve around you and the storyline.

Worgen are looking good and since I am playing retail at the minute I can't wait for the race to be available. From what I have seen and read (but i don't want to spoil it if you want to try it out for yourself) the storyline for the starter zone looks really good!!! Lots of interesting quests and it will be fun even for the high end levels to get involved because it wont be like the Pre BC starter zones. A lot more fun is involved and a lot of critical thinking will be needed.

Goblin's look good as well! With some interesting features in there zone. Both are look really enjoyable and really fun. If you don't like leveling - you will like this! Trust me, a lot more people will like leveling in this expansion from actually doing the end dungeons and raids. But both parts of it will be enjoyable.

Cataclysm is mainly about the leveling process though. A lot of the world has changed and will make the war between the Alliance and the Horde all the more dangerous! If you regularly play on a "PvP" server then I will feel sorry for you as you are in for a lot of ganking while you are questing. Zones that you would not think would have the opposing faction in them would have you guessing. As places like Barrens are invaded by the pesky Alliance. Only time well tell what will happen to the World of Wacraft in this desperate chapter of it's life. Like many people have said before me - the WoW gaming machine has no sign of stopping. We are in for a good game!

Well that is really all I want to include this month of July. We will be making this download-able soon. When I do - I will be including a few "goodies" maybe a competition when you could win things but that will be in the future! Since I cant really give you anything I will leave you with a few links!

Spoiler Alert WoW Screenshots: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] look through all the pages

Guild Wars 2: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Spoiler Alert Worgen: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Spoiler Alert Goblin: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Our Blog: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Our Website: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

My email: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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